Sunday, August 14, 2011

Showers of Blessing

I love blogging, but my posts have been sporatic lately with life coming at me fast right now because... The Teachers Have Returned to the School for Inservice! (More on that later.)

First, I'm catching up on the last few weeks that were filled with wonderful friends. And these friends pictured below? An elementary school reunion thanks to our friend, Facebook. Most of us still live scattered through out central Texas, but it was the transplanted Californian who initiated the meeting. (We forgive her for her initial suggestion of an outside meeting in the million degree Texas summer. Oh, to be in cool San Diego at her home.) (ROAD TRIP!)

In first grade, I was the shortest...and that has not changed. Neither has the sweetness of this group. We were amazed at how much we remembered from our formative elementary years together. I got downright giddy trying to tell others how rewarding and meaningful time spent with this group was after almost 4 decades.

And speaking of being the shortest? This is another former kindergartener of mine.

( And I had on heels.) K was leaving for college, and her mother threw a blessing party for her. Women who had played important parts in K's life were asked to come with a blessing to read over her. It was one of the most meaningful gatherings I ever attended and I think that I was the one who was most blessed.

And this little group below? It's a view from my seat at MY FIRST INSERVICE AS A PRINCIPAL. (Back away from the caps and we will all be fine.) We have two successful days behind us and begin our final week of meetings in the morning. I was given a wonderful faculty that was excited about beginning a new year of teaching and training up students for the 2011-2012 school year.

This weekend I went to see the movie "The Help" with my college roommate. (Do not miss this movie. Seriously.) One of my friends from high school (slash fellow teacher from my last school) brought over homemade lemon meringue pie to christen my new school year.(Are you lucky enough to have a friend who knows your favorite kind of pie? There is still time to make one.) Last night was a picture perfect wedding of a young man I watched grow up, with Young Son as my date. (My favorite reception moment? Sitting with a friend who told Young Son he read my blog and knew of YS's vegetarian "commune" living experience. I'm thinking YS may begin reading this blog very, very soon to see the kind of press he is getting on it. Thanks, RJ.) Today? Church and brunch in downtown Austin with a friend who is fighting cancer with all her might. My soul is filled up with friendship.

And right now? As I am writing this it is RAINING. The last rain of substance in my drought stricken state was almost a year ago. I think the 100+ degree weather may be under 100 for the first time this summer. Maybe, just maybe, a new season of life is beginning for me, too. And I am so very grateful.

Thank you, bloggy friends, for walking the last two years on this journey through grief. I'm looking for the rainbows now.


Buttercup said...

It's raining here, too. Luckily we had sunny weather last night for our elementary school reunion. What a terrific time! One of the high points was seeing our junior high French teacher. So glad you are having such good times! Prayers for your friend fighting cancer.

Gina said...

Showers of Blessings...friends, lemon pie, rain, new job. I hope you have a fantastic year!

Lynn said...

This post made my heart happy! You are so blessed to be surrounded with such loving friends and I know you don't take that for granted.

So glad you are getting rain, I have never experienced no rain for a whole year but I'm sure the parched earth is feeling relief today. Oops that the farmer in me!!

I love the idea of a blessing party. What a wonderful way to leave for college.

Enjoy your view from the principal's desk!

Anonymous said...

You have sown good seeds throughout your life and you continue to see the good fruit in deep wonderful friendships!
This year is going to be exciting!!

Sarah said...

I reveled in that rain, too. I hope we get more. I love the idea of a Blessing Party. I've never heard of that and hope I can remember to do it for my son when he goes away to college (which I hope he will do!)

What an honor that she would remember you all the way from Kindergarten as a person who blessed her life.

movingandshakingthedust said...

that commune comment totally got me to your blog. looks like i am being represented well, thank you.