Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Queen Has Spoken

In my second grade classroom, we read a book called "Ready Freddy, the King of Show-and-Tell". The students had to write a persuasive letter telling why they should be chosen to be the first King/Queen of Show-and-Tell in my classroom. We wrote charts on what makes a good listener and speaker. My 18 eight-year-old best friends have been bringing in amazing items for two weeks : a 6 1/2 pound moose antler, antique sea glass, a catalogued sea shell collection, "my dad's very expensive not real gold" pocket watch, and a WWE action figure dressed up to look like an Argentinian gaucho complete with miniature boleadoras (to catch ostrich, you know). Does life get more interesting than sharing the details of the one thing a second grader loves above all else in this world?

Today, it was my turn to be the Queen of Show-and-Tell. I post pictures daily of my classroom on a blog I write for the parents found here. One of my students asked if he could take a picture of my presentation for the blog. The results were not too bad: most of my face shows, it is in focus, and I'm actually centered in the shot. You rock, little future Ansel Adams!
What am I showing? Well, when Young Son was 8, he was invited to the Governor's Mansion in Austin to trick-or-treat. The governor at that time was George W. Bush. For some reason I cannot remember, another mother offered to take Young Son to get his costume at home before driving him on to the party. This is where the story took a tragic turn: Young Son decided he didn't like the pre-selected Halloween costume and decided to wear army pants and a white t-shirt that he covered with artificial blood. The rest of the fake red stuff was applied to his face, and he skipped off to the party to meet the future President of the United States. To my horror, this picture appeared in the newspaper the next day.

At least it was run in black in white so the blood was not so brightly noticeable.

Young Son often uses this as his Facebook profile picture, with friends high five-ing him through congratulatory comments. Makes a mother proud, no?

To the parents of my second graders: hold those precious children of yours close. I promise this picture of my son was taken about 10 minutes ago. Now, he will soon be taking his college degree to teach in South Korea. And maybe sending me a show-and-tell picture for next year's crop of second graders.

38 more days of school. 18 eight year olds. Two years spent with them? Priceless.


Sarah said...

Wow, what an awesome Facebook profile pic! And what a great Show and Tell exhibit. I can't believe Bush was ever that young.

Buttercup said...

What a story! Your second-graders must have liked it a lot. Hope you're having a great Sunday!