Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wait and See

I took my coffee to the beach this morning. I was alone except for a dad strolling his baby in the low tide, probably letting the mom sleep in. The sands of Maine contain such different treasures then the gulf shores of Texas. Where Texas has all manner of shells, Maine beaches offer colored rocks, tumbled smooth by the waves. There are also tiny bits of sea glass, probably the result of ancient ships' bottles. There are entire stores in this area that sell jewelry fashioned from sea glass. Enough so that I'm thinking more than a little of it is what the French refer to as "faux", or in Texan-ese,  "fake".

But, it is the perfectly tumbled rocks that hold my attention this morning. On our last trip to Maine, I brought home bags of them, and made my suitcase exceed the weight limit. We had to pay extra for my weighty souvenirs. "What do you have in there, rocks?" my husband kidded. Well, yes. I did. And I  learned my lesson. 

This trip I'll totally put my beach rocks in my carry-on bag.

It has taken years upon years of waves tumbling these rocks to knock of all their sharp edges and polish them into things of beauty. Picking them up this morning reminds me of the song we used to sing in toddler Bible school, " I'm just an old chunk of coal, but I'm going to be a diamond some day..." Formed by pressure, polished by tumbling. Good things can come out of these squeezing tight times.

"There is hope for me yet
Because God won't forget
All the plans he's made for me
I have to wait and see
He's not finished with me yet."
(from "Wait and See" by Brandon Heath)


Buttercup said...

So hope you're relaxing and taking good care. I'm a big fan of sea glass. We collect it in walks along the North Shore of Long Island. Each little piece seems such a treasure.

Lynn said...

Good things will come out of these squeezing times. You are so right. It is so, so hard in the beginning to think beyond the next few hours or days. I am so glad you are having this quiet time alone to just think and pray and be, before you head back to your classroom. The verse that meant a great deal to me, and still does is Jer. 29:11, just to know that God has plans for me, plans that include hope and a future was a blessing to me in some of my darkest hours. I love the picture of coffee on the beach in the morning! God bless you are you sink deep into His arms.