Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tribute to a Teacher

I generally have my digital camera near by at all times while I'm at school. Teaching is very blog-worthy. Our last day before the Christmas holidays was on Thursday, and through the craziness of end-of-day release (which was ramped up that day by sweet treats, excited good-byes and oh-the-freedom of two weeks off!), I glanced back and saw a dear friend and colleague at the end of her last day of teaching. Ever.

Mrs. B has taught on our campus for 22 years in several different grades. She is one of the most positive and professional teachers I have ever met. Each time I talk with her I carry away encouragement and/or a new teaching strategy. Her love for instruction and patience with children is inspiring, and her mind is continually set on her classroom and how she can improve it. It boggles the mind to think of how many children's lives she has touched, and what a difference she has made in their futures.

She decided to retire this year at mid-term, and while I am wildly excited for her decision, it is a loss for our entire campus to lose one of the finest teachers imaginable. I wish that we could somehow transfer all the educational knowledge she has collected and place it in the brains and hearts of all the new, incoming teachers.

My husband had a plaque in his office that said, "The life so short, the craft so long to learn." I know that Mrs. B mastered the craft of teaching, and we were all changed as a result of her dedication and everyday excellence.

Thanks for your love for our children, Mrs. B. Godspeed in your next new adventure.


Carol C. said...

Love this! I've been in denial about the whole thing. I can't even imagine our campus without her. So sad for us but so happy for her!!

Sarah said...

That was the kind of teacher I aspired to be, but I never got past surviving. I'm thankful for you and all the teachers who are so dedicated to our kids.

A. Jarriel said...

I am truly blessed that both my children got to learn at the feet of Ms. B. I was amazed at her talent. She would have 6 kids (Kindergarten) talking at her at once and she would calmly answer their questions and each child felt like they had her full attention. As a new parent to public school I was handed a lesson or two myself. As the years went by I continued to ask for her guidance and will truly miss her wisdom. I can't wait to hear where her journey goes next - what lucky people she will touch! Our loss, the world's gain!